Grateful Words
When I met Susan Kapadia for the first time beginning 2013 shortly after being diagnosed with phase 4 breast cancer which had spread from breast to Lymph to lungs I felt I was taken by the hand by a caring mother.
Disoriented and dazed and about to move to smaller living spaces she made me feel like I was no longer alone trying to orient myself in an alien world that was about to become mine.
She gently explained some facts, choices, and potential attitudes. Her attitude of hope and personal contribution to herself in her own healing years ago and now to mine in the years to come made it a lot easier to start with this roller coaster ride.
As soon as I was settled in my new living space she brought me some homemade broth with as many vitamins and minerals crammed in it as possible.
She also went with me to help choose some free wigs at the Ventura cancer support center by the time my hair was about to be gone. Her cheerfulness helped keep my spirits up and actually go through this ordeal laughing and I walked out with two lovely new hairdos. One on my head and one in a lovely pink bag.
Susan also introduced me to the Santa Barbara breast cancer support group of which I was not aware of at all but in which Susan volunteered already for years. Situated in a regular home it was a little heaven of comfort and free Reiki treatments as well as help with information and a library for my cancer educations. Susan and the staff made me feel like a lot of information and support was available to me whenever I needed it.
I am very grateful for the way Susan introduced me to a scary world and made it easier to navigate through. I am very glad that you have been able to open a permanent cancer support facility in Ojai as well aside from the once a month one.
Thank you for all your support and great care Susan.