OjaiCARES – Stronger Together
Group Support for anyone affected by cancer, including caregivers, family and friends. This is a drop-in peer led group that meets the first Tuesday of the month from 6 – 7:15PM and the second Tuesday of the month from 11:00 – 12:15PM at OjaiCARES.
Particpants have the opportunity to share issues, insights and emotions related to their cancer experience, as well as ways to live more fully. Each meeting concludes with an enriching guided visualization with music, which has been shown in studies to enhance relaxation, reduce depression, manage pain, lower blood pressure, ease some of the side effects of chemotherapy, and improve physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The group is opened to cancer survivors of all diagnoses at any point in time – newly diagnosed, in treatment, post treatment or living with a recurrence. Family/friends and caregivers are welcomed.